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Renceng Mose

Renceng Mose is a mental health care centre in Ruteng, Flores Island, Indonesia. Since the establishment in March 2014, Renceng Mose receives rehabilitants from different historical backgrounds. Before entering Renceng Mose, some lived in their home just like their other family members, but sadly, many were chained or wood-shackled for some years. Brothers & staffs often have to go to several very remote villages to unchain or unshackle people with psychosocial disabilities (PwPD), because the family is too afraid to do the process. The Brothers of Charity and Fracarita International decided to develop this centre with 20 beds, where people with a psychosocial disability receive a decent and dignified treatment.


Renceng Mose provides three programmes:

1.       In-centre service

  • In-take-rehabilitant, in-center consultation, in-center-socialization

2.       Out-centre service

  • Home visits, out-centre-socialization (media, schools, villages)

3.       Psychiatric showroom

  • The construction of this psychiatric showroom was finalized in October 2016. A collection of chains and wood-shackles, worn by rehabilitants before they entered the centre, is now displayed for visitors. The showroom has an informative and educational purpose. It gives right information about mental health and how to better treat people with a psychosocial disability. Read more.






Ruteng, Flores Island, Indonesia



Mental health care

Residential mental health care


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