UCLL’s visit to the Brothers of Charity in Indonesia
UCLL (University Colleges Leuven-Limburg) is currently visiting projects of the Brothers of Charity and Fracarita International in Indonesia.
The UCLL has joined the new programme ‘Global Minds’ of VLIR-UOS. This programme will enable the staff members to visit a limited number of countries in the South in the coming four years. The aim is to forge close relationships with Colleges or Universities in some of those countries. This should lead to better students’ internships and, above all, to quality projects with (more) impact. More and more institutes and teams are working on a more intensive collaboration with a limited number of bodies and partners.
Mieke Clement (G&W), Maurits Wysmans (G&W), Ann Deschamps (G&W), Sven Cerulus (M&T) and Mieke Ingelghem (LER) stay in Indonesia this week. They have started their visit with an introduction to the Indonesian Educational system and its objectives. They have received this explanation from the Secretary-General of the Regional Representative Council, one of the two parliaments in Indonesia. In addition, they have visited the University of Indonesia (Jakarta), the Gadjan Mada University – GMU - (Yogyakarta), the Sanata Dharma University (Yogyakarta), as well as the Polytechnic Institute at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta.
“At the GMU you certainly feel the same drive and approach we have at the UCLL. We are hopeful to find there a starting point for collaboration,” says Mieke Van Ingelghem.
The team is also visiting various other schools, such as a Primary School in Purworejo. Colleagues do this in close collaboration with Fracarita International, which signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the UCLL a few weeks ago. During their visit to Indonesia and to the Brothers of Charity, they are accompanied by Brother Martin De Porres, Coordinator of Capacity Building of the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity. This new agreement is now made concrete in Indonesia.